Tuesday, 27 March 2007

春天 到了!

china/beijing/beida has blocked blogspot...
but blogger is accessible - strange. as well as another useful transfer site =)
no more excuse of eating more in winter...
we spend more at carrefour than on proper meals
Siok Hoon, my stack wins!!

breakfast thanks to our multi-purpose cooker.

i need to learn how to cook :(

feels at least 1kg lighter shedding the longjohns, wool socks & sweaters!
but like there's a price to pay for snow (freezing cold + walking in slush), there's a price to pay for spring apparently - 花粉症 where the pollen irritates your respiratory system.
now now, don't mistake the 山桃 for the 樱花!
-- some zuai student commented as he walked past us flower-admirers.
梅栏竹菊 i want to play mahjong! the fake tree

chinese mathematics
笨笨男人 + 笨笨女人 = 结婚

笨笨男人 + 聪明女人 = 离婚

聪明男人 + 笨笨女人 = 婚外情

聪明男人 + 聪明女人= 浪漫爱情

to zz the everyone-says-looks-bullyable mooter!

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