Saturday 12 May 2007


他们没吃过水密桃, 切一粒给他们尝尝 =)
the nice auntie at the 早市. she sells the more 'exotic' fruits like fresh peaches and cherries, whereas most stalls just have pears, apples, etc. yummy~ but i got a tummyache from eating too many fruits yestd! in a bit to cut down on the cookies/chocs/munchies... :P
she asked whether we were korean!!! hopefully cos we were sua-gu-ly whispering in english what's the difference between a 水密桃 and a 油桃. not cos of bad chinese!

the IP Office of China. notwithstanding that i'm gleefully buying dvds and whatnot, i think the IP office really has a tough job! they seem a bit defensive about their work (chinese pride), but they've had 20 years to build up their IP law to what other -western- ctys have had 100 years to do.
and their officers who determine whether u get yr patent are of masters or PHD educational level. and still stuck at a small desk doing paperwork. the chinese really have it tough!
note the grey skies. bleh~

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